It is not with a heavy heart that I say good bye to 2014. In fact I am kinda glad the holidays are over and a new year has begun. It hasn't been a bad year. I have really learned alot about my health and have found a lot of food intolerances that I have. I discovered a new way of cooking things and also discovered a love of yoga. It has been a year of learning,trying,and tweeking.
But lets be real for a minute. It is HARD to eliminate all the things you know are bad for you when the holidays hit. For instance, Christmas cookies. They are my biggest downfall. SO many varieties to make and only a few weeks to eat them. The temptation is terrible for me. But before the holiday season started I made a decision that I wasn't going to change my traditions with my kids just to fit into my newly evolved way of eating. So I ate cookies..I ate sugar cookies and snickerdoodles and oatmeal scotchies. I ate homemade peanut butter cups and fudge. If you expect me to say I regret that then you will be disappointed. I enjoyed every last bite of them.
I thought about looking up some different Paleo cookie recipes. In fact I have tried several different "healthy" desserts that supposedly taste like the real deal. I walked away wondering what these people cook like on a regular basis if that is what something special taste like. They have all been terrible. I will keep looking, but so far nothing has been good. Back to Christmas.
It was all fine and dandy until a few days before Christmas when my little dude got sick. He got really sick. I mean no joke that boy was sick. To make a long story short after a 5-hr wait at the emergency room he is diagnosed with the barfy flu. Dear God, have mercy. Christmas Eve comes around and down goes the hubs (the man of steel who NEVER gets sick). During the wee hours of the morning the rest of us got sick. Christmas Day was spent with a lot of moaning and groaning. It took about 5 days for us all to get over it and be mostly normal. Not the Christmas I was dreaming of.
Fast forward to January 1. I am not big on New Year resolutions. They are going to fail. I am not being negative I am being very positive here. I am positive they are going to fail. If you can't get your act together at any other time during the year then why would that day be any different? I can remember year after year promising myself that this would be the year I would get healthy and lose all this weight.This was to be my year my moment. But year after year nothing happened. I got sicker and fatter. Some people set such high unobtainable goals on New Years that when they can't reach them they are defeated. They see themselves as such failures that will not be able to accomplish anything. But that is a lie and if you leave that lie unchallenged it will soon become your truth.
I didn't start being successful on my journey to better health until I made a lifestyle change. I didn't go on a diet. I have been on enough of those to last me a lifetime. I found things to do that I enjoy. I love yoga. Not just any yoga. I love DDP Yoga. It is a form of yoga that caters to people that, for whatever reason, have been injured and can't do a whole lot. It has done amazing things with my body and I am so thankful I found it. And secondly I found and eliminated all the foods that were still making me sick and learned a new way of eating. It has been a journey, but man has it been worth it.
The holidays are over. The cookies are gone. I am no longer sick and I am back on track. It was with much trepidation that I stepped on the scale this morning. I was positive that it would have gone up drastically. Much to my surprise it would seem that being sick was a great benefit to my body. I not only lost weight but my stomach was able to shrink back to its smaller size and I was able to get my portion sizes under control immediately. See there is a bright side!!
I do have goals and plans set up for this year. All I can do is take it day by day. Keep making healthy choices and decisions on a daily basis. Afterall I am in control of my own destiny. From where I am sitting my future is bright and full of endless possibilities!!