This blog is my story. My journey to better health. A place to write my thoughts, share my ideas about health, and give tips on losing weight and keeping it off.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Health Experiment Step Two: Reintroduction

This past week we have done the reintroduction of certain food groups back to our diet. The way you're supposed to do this is by picking a food group such as non-gluten, gluten, dairy, sweets, or legumes. Add that to your eating plan for a few meals for 2-3 days. Keep a very close watch on what your body is feeling during this course of time. Do you feel bloated, achy, have a headache, tired, irritable, or no effect at all. After this test run you need to go back to plan and eat only the veggies and protein for 3 days. This allows your body to reset to a healthy state and then you can safely add back the next food group to test. Follow this procedure till you have tested all the groups.

Before we started doing this experiment I knew that there were already some groups that my body just could not handle and therefore I had already taken them out and don’t plan to reintroduce them.

My first reintroduction was non-gluten foods. I chose to uses white rice, corn tortillas, and corn chips. I made recipes that I have always used so I could gauge much more accurately how I was feeling. To me the chips had a very metallic taste. I seem to be the only one who had that issue. Within 30 minutes of eating these, my stomach felt like a blown up balloon. I was so uncomfortable all night. A survey of the rest of the family showed that we all had the same experience with this.

The next day I made a enchilada lasagna with the rice and tortillas. To me it had a mushy texture and I was very aware of how hungry I still was after 1 small piece. Glad I made salad and an extra side of veggies to go with it. After this meal I had the same blown up feeling and felt extremely tired as well. I am the only one who had a bad experience this time but I am also super sensitive to any kind of change taking place in my body. Everyone else loved the meal. My taste has totally changed during these 30 days of real food so the extreme of that which I liked before just tastes bland now.

During the middle of week I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies and added some ice cream to them to make sandwiches. This was a good way to see where we stood on the sugar and dairy phase. I am really not surprised by the result of this one since the issues were the same before and after the experiment. I could only eat half of a  cookie before the sweetness made me sick to my stomach. I already new I had an intolerance to dairy so the upset tummy and thick-feeling throat were no surprise.

The final group for us was the gluten products. For me I had the same results as the no-gluten. I look back at how we used to eat and almost have laugh at how I thought we ate so healthy. My lack of knowledge in some areas was causing me to make some poor food choices. Seeing how my body has dealt with some of these foods being added back, it is really no surprise I was feeling so heavy and slow all the time.

I think for now my best option to get were I need to be in my health is to stick to what I have been doing these 30 days. I have not felt this good in a long time and I am finally starting to see some positive changes in my problem areas. I will allow some wiggle room for an occasional treat but honestly I love this way of eating and am happy with the changes I see in me and my family.

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