This blog is my story. My journey to better health. A place to write my thoughts, share my ideas about health, and give tips on losing weight and keeping it off.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

A New Recipe: Tuscan Chicken Skillet

This past month has been a time of trial and error in the eating department. After we finished the 30 day experiment,we decided that certain food groups were not going back into our diet. I also decided that we would try to have dessert only one time on the weekends. That didn't work out to well for me. I started to feel the sluggish, heavy, tired feeling coming back. At my monthly weigh in the scale agreed with what my body was feeling. So now we are back on track with the "Whole 30" way of eating. I am starting to feel good again and that is something I don't want to lose. No piece of cake or bowl of ice cream is worth the way I feel after I eat it. My health has to consistently be my top priority.

With that said I really wanted to share what we had for dinner tonight. It was one of those slap-your-grandma meals. I found this recipe on another blog and the only thing I changed about the recipe was the beans--I just totally left them out because that is a food group we have eliminated. The family loved it and I had enough left for the hubs to take for lunch. We had this Tuscan Chicken with some acorn squash, mashed cauliflower, and salad. Perfect meal!

 Here is the link to the recipe!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Health Experiment Step Two: Reintroduction

This past week we have done the reintroduction of certain food groups back to our diet. The way you're supposed to do this is by picking a food group such as non-gluten, gluten, dairy, sweets, or legumes. Add that to your eating plan for a few meals for 2-3 days. Keep a very close watch on what your body is feeling during this course of time. Do you feel bloated, achy, have a headache, tired, irritable, or no effect at all. After this test run you need to go back to plan and eat only the veggies and protein for 3 days. This allows your body to reset to a healthy state and then you can safely add back the next food group to test. Follow this procedure till you have tested all the groups.

Before we started doing this experiment I knew that there were already some groups that my body just could not handle and therefore I had already taken them out and don’t plan to reintroduce them.

My first reintroduction was non-gluten foods. I chose to uses white rice, corn tortillas, and corn chips. I made recipes that I have always used so I could gauge much more accurately how I was feeling. To me the chips had a very metallic taste. I seem to be the only one who had that issue. Within 30 minutes of eating these, my stomach felt like a blown up balloon. I was so uncomfortable all night. A survey of the rest of the family showed that we all had the same experience with this.

The next day I made a enchilada lasagna with the rice and tortillas. To me it had a mushy texture and I was very aware of how hungry I still was after 1 small piece. Glad I made salad and an extra side of veggies to go with it. After this meal I had the same blown up feeling and felt extremely tired as well. I am the only one who had a bad experience this time but I am also super sensitive to any kind of change taking place in my body. Everyone else loved the meal. My taste has totally changed during these 30 days of real food so the extreme of that which I liked before just tastes bland now.

During the middle of week I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies and added some ice cream to them to make sandwiches. This was a good way to see where we stood on the sugar and dairy phase. I am really not surprised by the result of this one since the issues were the same before and after the experiment. I could only eat half of a  cookie before the sweetness made me sick to my stomach. I already new I had an intolerance to dairy so the upset tummy and thick-feeling throat were no surprise.

The final group for us was the gluten products. For me I had the same results as the no-gluten. I look back at how we used to eat and almost have laugh at how I thought we ate so healthy. My lack of knowledge in some areas was causing me to make some poor food choices. Seeing how my body has dealt with some of these foods being added back, it is really no surprise I was feeling so heavy and slow all the time.

I think for now my best option to get were I need to be in my health is to stick to what I have been doing these 30 days. I have not felt this good in a long time and I am finally starting to see some positive changes in my problem areas. I will allow some wiggle room for an occasional treat but honestly I love this way of eating and am happy with the changes I see in me and my family.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

We did it! Concluding the experiment

Today is it! Day 30. We have successfully completed the first half of this health experiment. It has definitely been a learning process and at times a challenge but overall it has been worth it. Let me share some thoughts and changes that we have seen.

The hubs and I took a weight and inches measurement on day 1 just to see how this experiment would affect that aspect. I am very happy to say we saw some very positive results. I lost 6 lbs and 2 ½ total body inches. The hubs lost 11 ½ lbs and 4 ½ total body inches. That by itself made this worth doing.

I asked the hubs if he has noticed any changes over the past 30 days that he can pinpoint to this experiment. He said the biggest change is that he doesn’t feel ravenous all the time. You have to take into account that this man works a very physical job of 12 hour shifts at least 6 days a week. I used to load his lunch box with a enough food so he could have a mini-meal at every break. He was always starving at break time and also ate another meal when he got home at night. I could never figure out how he could always be hungry with that much daily food intake. During the experiment, I sent him a container for lunch and dinner with whatever meal I had made as well as a salad for each meal. That’s it. He’ll eat a big breakfast at home and then what I sent him with no snacking in between. The amazing thing is he is not starving anymore! He is eating less food than before, but now he is eating good, healthy, whole food that is keeping his body fueled for a longer time. He  has noticed an increase in his energy levels. He has always loved the taste of coffee, but with the hours he works the caffeine had become a crutch to get him through the day. Since we eliminated the caffeine for this experiment he is noticing that his energy levels are up naturally. His sleeping pattern is changing as well. He is  starting to wake up earlier and is actually feeling rested. His body is working much more efficiently to the point that he does not require so much sleep That is pretty awesome.

I am definitely noticing a difference in my sleep pattern. I am staying asleep for longer intervals. No more of this waking up every 2 hrs nonsense. Now I seem to be going about 4 hours at a time and I am finding it really easy to fall back asleep. I am also seeing a big change in the shape of my body. I had hit a point where my body was just so bloated and I felt horrible most of the time. I wish I had taken a before picture because I am sure it would be a more startling change than I realize. My clothes are actually loose again and my stomach is much less distended. What an amazing feeling to not feel yucky all the time!

My teenage son told me the biggest change he noticed is that he is not having diarrhea every morning. Amazing how your body can give a warning that there is a problem but we just ignore it. With the changing of the food his body has been been able to heal and balance itself out. He has also noticed that he is actually hungry when it is time for the next meal; he used to have a snack at certain times of the day just because. He wasn’t hungry; he was just eating to eat. Since we did away with that, his body is actually being given the time to digest one meal at a time and use the food properly before adding more.

My daughter told me the biggest change she noticed is that her ability to stayed focused has drastically improved. She is able to get a lot more accomplished during her school day.

I have also noticed some positive changes in my little dude. He has gotten to the place where he is not constantly asking for food. He doesn’t get stressed out when I tell him it is time to do school. He is able to stay focused during his classes and is also grasping concepts that he struggled with before this experiment. I have also noticed that his sleep pattern is changing. He still goes to bed at the same time but he is waking up about an hour earlier and is totally refreshed and happy. No more grumpy mornings around here.

It is just amazing how much your body can heal and change itself when you stop feeding it all the harmful chemicals that are found in our food today, and start feeding it real food. Not only do you look better and feel better physically, but you're able to think more clearly. You can stay focused for a longer amount of time and you emotions don’t seem to be so out of control. Your sleep patterns start to change which results in body healing itself even more. What a great way to live!

Like I said at the beginning this was just phase 1. Phase 2 is where you start to reintroduce certain food groups back into your diet in a controlled way. You pick the group you want to start with whether it is gluten, non-gluten, sugar, chose. Add that back for 2 days and take careful note of how your body responds. Do you get a headache, bloating, or achy joints? After 2 days you need to go back to only the whole foods for 3 days so your body has time to eliminate all that you added back. Then you do the same with the next group of food. After all the whole point of this experiment is to find out what foods are affecting your body in a negative way so you can avoid them. This is not a process to rush through just because you would love chocolate chip cookies. Cookies have sugar and gluten (flour) in them which is two separate categories you adding back. If you have a negative reaction how will you know which caused it: the gluten or the sugar?

Once we are done with the add-back stage I think we are going to keep eating like this with an occasional treat on the side.  Besides the food is awesome!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Health Experiment Days Twenty-four and Twenty-five

Day 24                                                  Day 25       

Veggie omelet
3 over-easy eggs
sloppy joes
raw sugar snap peas
mashed potatoes
mashed potatoes
chicken seasoned with tandoori
mashed sweet potatoes
For more information on this experiment, check out my introduction here!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Here for the Party (Day Twenty-three)

Have you ever had one of those days where you just want to throw in the towel? Just say screw it; I am finished; I have had enough. You start asking yourself Is it worth it? What good is this doing me? Why do I bother seeing this through to the very end, when I know nothing is really going to change? I am never going to lose the rest of this weight!

You’re just having yourself a grand old pity party. You spared no expense! You pulled out all your past failures and celebrated each one. You  convinced yourself that you really were destined to be overweight and lifeless. There is no way you're going to be able to change your life in the short term so you can live better in the long term. Let the party begin! You cut yourself a nice piece of self-loathing, smothered with a good portion of give up. Let’s not forget to add some I can’t and I will never to that plate. Finally, we will wash it all down with a big glass of low self-esteem.

You look around to see if all your guests are enjoying the party. But hold on...Wait a minute. You're the only one there. Nobody else showed up to your pity party. Well that is just rude! I told them all how I had started this new weight loss plan. I told them I was going to the gym again. I told them this time it was gonna work.They should have known I would fail just like I always do.They should be here to help me wallow in this latest tragedy.

I know this sounds a little dramatic but it is true for all of us on some level. How many times have you tried and tried to get healthy? You have bought every single weight loss aid that is available.You have bought into the lies of those money-grabbing people who prey on the hurts and desperation of overweight people. You give it your best and do good for a little while only to crash and burn. What did you do wrong? What did you miss? Well I'm glad you asked!

The first key to successful weight loss is to have a reason--a good reason--a reason that will stand up to the test of months, sometimes even years. Some might say I want to lose the weight for a class reunion or a wedding. That is great short term goal not a great reason. A great reason needs to carry you past the goal, past a time limit and circumstance. A great reason should be something you have to change your entire life for. Something that is really important. Something that is so special that it is hard to utter it without getting a little emotional. That is a great reason.

The second key is to forget about a diet. They don’t work. Depriving yourself of food triggers a mental reaction which triggers a physical reaction. You will get to the point where eating only cardboard and paper is just too much! You will have a mental reaction that says I can’t gag this down anymore! So you inhale a hamburger or a chocolate bar-- a physical reaction. In order to lose weight and keep it off you need to have a plan that you can stick with for the rest of your life. Notice I said a plan not a diet. A plan will give you some guidelines to follow that are easy to maintain, easy to shop for and easy to prepare. You need food that tastes good and is a joy to eat and share with others because food is meant to be celebrated and enjoyed, not feared or misused.

The third key is exercise. Yes, you have to exercise. It is a must! Your body has got to be given the opportunity to stretch and move on a daily basis. You need to get your joints moving and those muscles stretched out. It is very very important! You have heard the phrase if you don't use it you will lose it. This is especially true when it comes to exercising your body. You have to move to keep things well-oiled and free from injury. I have found that if I don't do my yoga as soon as I get up, my spine feels like a squeezed-in accordion. I hurt all day and can barely walk. If I do do my yoga ,my spine is stretched and everything is aligned. The blood is able to freely flow to all parts of my body to bring nourishment and healing. Find something you enjoy whether it is tennis, swimming, weight-lifting, or even just a wonderful walk. Just do something!

I have spent the past 10 years battling chemical issues with my food, and in the process I have learned a lot about what really is good and safe for my body. I have had to make some extreme changes to my diet. I know what works for me won’t work for everybody. Everyone has different need and issues with their own health. But with the three keys I just gave applied to fit your own life I feel confident you will find the right path for you. Have a good reason, enjoy a healthy diet, and pick up a pleasurable exercise!

3 eggs over-easy

mashed potato


For more information on this experiment, check out my introduction here!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Health Experiment Days Twenty-one and Twenty-two

Day 21 Day 22
veggie omelet                         3 eggs over easy
sausage                                     sausage
raspberries                                   kale medley

veggie soup                            Ground turkey with salsa
salad                                Salad

Dinner Day 21
meatballs with marinara sauce      salad

Dinner Day 22

roasted butternut squash
 baked chicken

sugar snap peas

For more information on this experiment, check out my introduction here!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Health Experiment Day Twenty

We are down to 10 days left on this heath experiment, and it has definitely been a learning experience so far. That is not a bad thing because I believe we need to be constantly reading and learning all we can; after all knowledge is power. Everyday somebody is learning something new about something.

I love reading about health and new discoveries in regards to diet and food. I am that weird person who loves to get weight loss and diet books out from the library just to see what kind of “truth” they believe. There really isn’t just one perfect way to eat. You’re never gonna find that magic program that will help you drop and keep off all the weight. If it was that easy don't you think more people would be healthy and fit? On the other side I do think all these books do contain some nuggets of truth that would be helpful to incorporate in our beliefs.

Read. Educate. Constantly keep learning.



steamed cauliflower

For more information on this experiment, check out my introduction here!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Health Experiment Day Nineteen

It is kinda hard to believe that we are almost done with this 30 days. With just 11 days left I am starting to think about the reintroduction of the foods we eliminated and how best to see what has a negative effect.

While I was reading up on the process I kept coming across the same phrase in all the forums: I am afraid to.  How many times have we felt fear stop us from doing something? I am definitely the first one to raise my hand. Fear of heights, fear of water, fear of snakes, fear of spiders.

We all have fears that we deal with on a constant basis, but the question is how are you going to deal with that fear? Are you gonna let it paralyze and cripple you? Are you gonna just not try new things because hey you never know I might be afraid of it.

I know in my life I have had a fear of driving more than 15  or 20 minutes away from my house. I know that sounds crazy but when you have had IBS for years you really have to plan a trip with all the bathrooms routed out. The Bible says that fear has torment. Man ain’t that the truth.

Fear has a way of slowly taking control of different areas and before you even realize it has gotten it’s hooks in a few more. It is really like a slow growing cancer. You have a choice to make; are you gonna sit back and let fear keep gaining more ground in your life or are you going to draw a line in the sand?

We really need to start taking the control in our lives back. Stop giving it away to something that is only going to strengthen the cage around us! The Bible also says, ”God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound  mind." Look at all those tools you get back in your life: Power, love, a sound mind. I can’t tell you how to stand up to fear. I think every individual person has to find their own way on that one but I can tell you that it’s something you’ve gotta start doing! Start pushing on the cage a little bit. You might just be surprised by how flimsy and loose it really is!

Spinach omelet

leftover tandoori chicken
½ avocado
raw sugar snap peas


For more information, check out my introduction here!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Health Experiment Day Eighteen

Have you ever thought about why certain foods only grow at certain times of the year? Have you ever tried a tomato or a strawberry in December? How about getting a nice crisp apple in June?

Oh you can find these products in your grocery store any time of year but let’s get real. They taste terrible. The tomato has a mealy mushy taste and the strawberry? Well that usually has no taste at all. It really is all about the freshness! Buying in season is great for your wallet and actually has health benefits as well.

In the spring everything is starting to wake up. Plants are turning green and new life is all around us! A few of the foods in season are things like greens and spinach. Foods that are high in iron, which is good for the blood, which feed our cells and tissue new life.

Summer foods would be peppers, herbs, cucumbers, and melons.These are foods that are high in water content which is great at cooling the body during the hot times.

Fall foods are apples, broccoli, cabbage which are high in fiber and help the sustain hunger for awhile.

Winter foods pretty much are the same as fall except we add in the citrus which is great for the immune system, which really does slow down and semi-hibernate in the winter.

Is it any coincidence that during each time and season the earth brings forth exactly what we need to stay healthy? I think not. It sounds like the plan of a wonderful loving Creator who always makes sure we have what we need. Eating seasonal is what I have been trying to do a lot more of. Since it is fall, we are eating a lot of squash, sweet potato, and cruciferous foods (i.e. cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cabbage, and broccoli). I have to admit to really enjoying the sweetness of roasted root veggies and different squashes. They are fresh and they are what is cheap right now which is great for helping me stick to my budget. Eat seasonal! it is good for you and your body will thank you by running and maintaining properly.


Salad loaded with sunflower seeds, squash seeds, balsamic vinegar


chicken spiced with tandoori
Roasted potato with rosemary

For more information on this experiment, check out my introduction here!