This blog is my story. My journey to better health. A place to write my thoughts, share my ideas about health, and give tips on losing weight and keeping it off.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Experiment Day Six

It is nice to get another day under my belt. Nothing really exciting or noticeable going on with me, but the Hubs is noticing that his joints have been a little more sore than usual today. Could be some inflammation being dealt with on a chemical level or maybe it is just the friggen cold weather we are about to get.

Day 6 is the day that I have to get my grocery list and menu for the week put together. I make my menu based on what is on sale, so this week will have lots of squash, potatoes, and cauliflower in it. Got to stay in budget the best I can. Last week I did not go over at all! That was a really great achievement especially since this way of eating really makes planning and shopping different.

Also every Thursday in my house is “Eat all the leftovers day!” I hate adding a bunch of fresh fruit and vegetables to a fridge full of leftovers! Besides I need all the space and bowls to get my batch cooking on for the week. So there will be no menu or recipes of this day’s food. Still doing good and going strong.

For more information about this experiment, check out my intro here!

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