This blog is my story. My journey to better health. A place to write my thoughts, share my ideas about health, and give tips on losing weight and keeping it off.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Health Experiment Day Sixteen

We have hit a mile stone. We have made it to the halfway point of this experiment. What changes do I see??? Well I still feel less bloated and have more energy. Definitely sleeping much better.

I'm noticing that in my youngest he is so much more focused when we do school. He is blowing my mind with how fast he is grasping all the new stuff and just flying through his school day. That is such a great change for this mom.

I am noticing that the skin for everybody in this house is definitely getting clearer. All around this has been a good experiment and I can’t wait to see what the next 15 days bring.

Veggie omelet

marinara sauce
green beans

Mashed cauliflower
leftover smoked chicken

broccoli, carrots, celery, onion, pepper, and green beans stir-fried

For more information on this experiment, check out my introduction here!

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