This blog is my story. My journey to better health. A place to write my thoughts, share my ideas about health, and give tips on losing weight and keeping it off.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Health Experiment Day Four

Today was a good day. I am trying to incorporate some kind of exercise into my daily routine. Today the lucky winner was yoga followed in the afternoon by a 1 ½ mile walk. Felt really good and had plenty of energy to get through it. I really had no soreness at all for the rest of the day. I count that as a win in my book. I think getting some easy exercise is really going to help me see even more positive results. After all, the junk I am trying to get out of my system is hidden in the fat cells, so why not help the body release it by getting a little exercise. Exercise in the morning, especially yoga, really loosens all my joints and even elongates my spine. I can’t think of a better way to start the day.

1 turkey sausage 
2 over easy eggs
½ cup roasted sweet potato
½ cup kale medley

Salad with 1 piece of chicken thigh; handful of blueberries; handful of coconut; ½ avocado; dressed with olive oil, lime, s/p

Turkey mini meatloaves
½ cup mashed sweet potato
Stir fry of sugar snap peas, mushroom, pepper, carrots, and basil

For more information on this experiment check out my introduction here!

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