This blog is my story. My journey to better health. A place to write my thoughts, share my ideas about health, and give tips on losing weight and keeping it off.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Health Experiment Day One

Day 1

     I spent all of yesterday doing prep work for this week. I roasted veggies and sweet potatoes. I made a big batch of Sloppy Joe as well, and got my turkey sausage made.

     I feel ready to start this and have some meals prepped and ready to eat. I also got an accurate weight and measured inches just to have a record of how my body responds to this. I will not check them again till this experiment is over.

     Day 1 was very tasty. The only complaint I got was from the little dude (he is 6) on the acorn squash. He thought it was a little too spicy.


For more info on this experiment, go read the introduction!

Sneak Peak of Day 2 Meals

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