This blog is my story. My journey to better health. A place to write my thoughts, share my ideas about health, and give tips on losing weight and keeping it off.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Health Experiment Day Twenty

We are down to 10 days left on this heath experiment, and it has definitely been a learning experience so far. That is not a bad thing because I believe we need to be constantly reading and learning all we can; after all knowledge is power. Everyday somebody is learning something new about something.

I love reading about health and new discoveries in regards to diet and food. I am that weird person who loves to get weight loss and diet books out from the library just to see what kind of “truth” they believe. There really isn’t just one perfect way to eat. You’re never gonna find that magic program that will help you drop and keep off all the weight. If it was that easy don't you think more people would be healthy and fit? On the other side I do think all these books do contain some nuggets of truth that would be helpful to incorporate in our beliefs.

Read. Educate. Constantly keep learning.



steamed cauliflower

For more information on this experiment, check out my introduction here!

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